条款 & 条件


条款 & 销售和装运条件

卖方对任何订单的确认和接受明确限于并以本协议中的条款和条件为条件. 买方的任何附加于或不同于本合同的条款和条件,且未另行书面约定的条款和条件(规定质量的附加条款除外), 所订购产品的特性, AND SHIPPING INSTRUCTIONS) ARE HEREBY OBJECTED TO AND SHALL BE OF NO EFFECT. 如果本合同所述产品的任何部分被接受,则买方应被视为已同意本合同所包含的所有条款和条件.

1. 验收
订单或其他要求, 无论是口头还是书面, 机器或设备(“设备”), 或供应或销售由机电工业提供的备件或更换零件(“零件”)或服务(“服务”), 公司., 代表其自身及其分公司和子公司(“卖方”)向其客户(均为“买方”)发出的订单须经卖方授权代表书面接受,并且接受的任何订单将受(i)本设备提供条款和条件中规定的条款和条件的约束, 零件或服务(条款和条件”), (ii)卖方向买方提交的书面建议(“建议”), 如果有任何, (iii) the written order acknowledgment issued by Seller to Buyer ( 鸣谢”), 如果有任何 (iv) any change orders identified as such and agreed to in writing by Seller (the Order, 条款与条件, 建议, 鸣谢, 任何这样的改变顺序, 以及卖方授权代表以书面形式同意的任何此类附加条款,统称为本协议.买方提交采购订单(或其他类似文件)应被视为明确接受本条款和条件,尽管买方采购订单(或其他类似文件)中的语言与本条款和条件不一致, and any inconsistent language in Buyer’s purchase order (or other similar document) is hereby rejected. Buyer’s purchase order (or other similar document is incorporated in this Agreement, only to the extent of specifying the nature and description of the Equipment, Parts or Services and then only to the extent consistent with the 建议 or 鸣谢. 如建议书与确认有任何冲突, 以确认为准.

2. 价格
设备价格, 零件或服务应如建议书或确认中所述, 或者如果没有提案或确认, 卖方另有书面同意的. 所有报价均为工厂交货价(2000年国际贸易术语解释通则)卖方所在地或按报价约定,如有变更,恕不另行通知. 所有的销售, 使用, 进口, 消费税等税种, 无论是国外还是国内, 费用应由买方承担. Seller bears no responsibility for any consular fees for legalizing invoices, 产地来源证, 在提单上盖章, 或目的地国家法律规定的其他费用, 或因申报错误而被罚款. Charges will be added for factory preparation and packaging for shipment and insurance. Minimum freight and invoice charges apply, as in effect at the time of order. 如果是由于政府的任何行为, 卖方履行其在本协议项下义务的成本增加, 这种增加应加到报价中.

3. 付款条件
Unless alternate payment terms are specified or approved by Seller’s credit department, 所有指控, 包括相应的包装和运输费用, 卖方应在发票开具之日起30天内付款. 利息为最高适用法定利率或年利率18%, 取较低者, may be charged on any amounts not paid within 30 days from the date of an invoice. 收费25美元.任何退回的支票都要加收00英镑. 任何到期未付的款项将被卖方搁置. 有权拒绝任何未来未发运的订单. Seller reserves the right to modify or withdraw credit terms at any time without notice. Unless otherwise specified all payments are due in the currency specified in Seller’s 建议, 确认和/或发票. Interest shall be due from Buyer to Seller on overdue accounts at the maximum rate allowed by law. 当分批装运时, 货物将在装运时开具发票,每个月的发票将作为单独的帐户处理,并相应地支付. 无论技术文件和/或任何第三方认证是否在装运时完成,都应支付货款. 卖方有权收回因收取逾期账款而产生的所有合理的律师费和其他费用. 卖方保留对买方财务状况产生疑问或买方拖欠任何款项的权利, 暂停任何订单或其任何部分的交付或履行,不承担任何责任,也不损害或不限制任何其他救济,直到买方纠正违约并付款或提供满意的付款担保. Seller shall have the option to extend the delivery date by a time at least equal to the period of suspension.

4. 交付
除非本合同表面另有规定, 所有美国和国际销售均应由卖方负责, 经本条款和条件修改. 存货从哪里供应, 这种供应取决于交货日的库存情况. 可按买方和卖方的约定分批装运. 所述交货日期仅为大概日期,不能保证. Seller shall have no liability for 损害赔偿 arising out of the failure to keep a projected delivery date, 不管延迟的时间长短. 如果买方不能接受投标时交付的货物, 卖方可能, 由其选择, arrange storage of the goods and Buyer shall be liable to Seller for the reasonable cost of such storage. 这项规定不妨碍任何其他权利, which 卖方可能 have with respect to Buyer’s failure to take delivery of goods, 其中包括向买方开具货物发票的权利. 买方同意,尽管买方无法接受货物,但货物的所有权将在开发票时转移给买方,并且买方承担自所有权转移给买方之日起货物灭失或损坏的所有风险.

If either party is unable by reason of Force Majeure to carry out any of its obligations under this Agreement, 除了支付金钱的义务, 然后,在所依赖的原因发生后的合理时间内,该方以书面形式向另一方发出通知和详情, 此项义务应予中止. “不可抗力”应包括天灾, 法律法规, 政府采取行动, 战争, 民事骚乱, 罢工和劳工问题, 供应商的延迟, 航空公司, 闪电, 火, 洪水, 冲刷, 风暴, 设备或机器的破损或事故, 原料短缺, and any other ca使用s that are not reasonably within the control of the party so affected. Seller shall be paid its applicable standby rate, 如果有任何, during any such Force Majeure event.

6. 取消
买方下单并经卖方接受的订单只有在卖方同意的情况下才能取消,且买方须支付由卖方确定的取消费用. 卖方的所有文件, drawings and like information shall be returned to Seller upon Buyer’s request for cancellation. 发货后不得取消订单.

7. 所有权和损失风险
Ownership and risk of loss pass to Buyer upon the earlier of (i) Seller’s delivery of the goods to the carrier, or (ii) invoicing by Seller for the goods where Buyer is unable to accept delivery on the scheduled date. Seller retains a security interest in the goods until the purchase price has been paid, and Buyer agrees to perform upon request all acts required to secure Seller’s interest. Seller accepts no responsibility for any damage, shortage or loss in transit. Seller will attempt to pack or prepare all shipments so that they will not break, 在运输中生锈或变质, 但不能保证不受这种损害. Claims for any damage, shortage or loss in transit must be made by Buyer on the carrier.

8. 有限质量保证
In the case of the purchase of new Equipment/Parts and solely for the benefit of the original 使用r, 卖方保证, 自装运之日起12个月内,自行制造的设备应符合卖方和买方书面同意的有关工作文件或采购订单范围中规定的材料和技术规格. If the Equipment fails to conform to such specifications upon inspection by Seller, 卖方有权选择并作为买方的唯一补救措施,修理或更换该等有缺陷的设备,使其符合原装型号. Seller’s 战争ranty obligations hereunder shall not apply if the non-conformity was ca使用d by a) Buyer’s failure to properly store or maintain the Equipment or Parts; b) unauthorized modifications, repair or service of the Equipment or Parts by Buyer; c) utilization of replacement parts not manufactured by Seller; or d) 使用 or handling of the Equipment or Parts by Buyer in a manner inconsistent with Seller’s recommendations. 如果a)买方未能履行其在本协议或双方之间任何其他协议项下的义务,卖方在本第8条项下的进一步保证义务将终止, (b)如果买方未能支付应付卖方的任何费用. Any third-party 战争ranties provided on Equipment or Parts not manufactured by Seller are assigned to Buyer, 无追索权, 在交货的时候, 前提是该等保证可转让. 第9条规定了买方对不合格设备的唯一救济和卖方的唯一义务, 零部件或服务. EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE EXPRESSLY PROVIDED PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF THIS ARTICLE 8, 卖方不作其他任何形式的保证或陈述, 明示或暗示, AND 卖方 DISCLAIMS THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTIBILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

9. 变化
卖方明确保留更改的权利, discontinue or modify the design and manufacture of its products without obligation to furnish, 改造或安装以前或后来出售的货物.

10. 合理的律师费
In the event suit or other proceedings shall be brought for the recovery of the purchase price, 或者任何未付的余额, 或买方违反本协议所包含的任何条款, 买方应支付给卖方, 除法律规定的损害赔偿外, 合理的律师费和任何托收费用.

11. 责任
卖方, 其军官, 董事, 股东或财产, 不负责, 有义务, or liable for any injury by damage resulting from an application or 使用 of its products, 单独使用或与其他产品结合使用, 因接受买方的订单而产生的. 除非买方在收到货物后五(5)天内提出索赔,并附上由承运人签署的正本运输单据,注明承运人从卖方处按索赔条件收到货物,否则卖方不承担交货重量或数量错误的责任, 如买方及时提出索赔. 卖方 may either ship the quantity necessary to make good the deficiency or, 卖方=S期权, 将不足部分的发票价格贷给买方.

12. 救济和责任限制
卖方不承担意外事故的责任 或者间接损失, 损害赔偿, 或因销售而直接或间接产生的费用, 处理或使用货物或与此有关的任何其他原因. 在任何其他情况下卖方=S责任, including for claims of breaches of 战争ranty or negligence is exclusively limited, 卖方=S期权, 更换不符合协议的货物, 偿还, 或贷记买方, 等于该商品购买价的金额, 或者修理或者安排修理货物. 如果卖方要求退货, the goods will be redelivered to 卖方 in accordance with 卖方=S instructions. 本合同所载的救济措施构成买方对卖方违反使用本合同交付的货物的唯一追索权. 在任何情况下,卖方的责任不得超过与该等保证有关的特定物品的购买价格.

13. 法律选择
This agreement and matters connected with the performance thereof shall be construed in accordance with, and governed by the law of the State of 德州 as if it were executed and performed entirely in Houston, 哈里斯县, 德州. 地点将在哈里斯县的法院进行.


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We Provide Timely Solutions by Designing Industry 产品 to Meet Customer Specifications and Needs.



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Since EMI has connections across many industries we operate in an ever changing world. We like to keep our customers up to date with news and events in these various industries, 我们自己的公司更新和新闻, as well as educational articles that will help our customers understand our products even better. 我们承诺定期更新本网站的这一部分. 所以请尽快回来了解更多信息!
